Friday, November 26, 2010

Steve's Flowers Offers 50% Off In-Store Purchases for Small Business Saturday

Local Shops Hope 'Small Business Saturday' Catches On

Effort Aimed At Keeping Retail Dollars Local

Independent shop owners in Indianapolis are getting behind a national movement meant to drive retail dollars to local businesses this weekend.
Small Business Saturday is the locally owned stores' answer to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which mostly benefit nationwide mega-retailers.
Shops that don't offer door-buster deals or early-bird specials are hoping to lure in shoppers Saturday with the promise of keeping more money local.
“I’m just excited that there's this grassroots support, that people are considering shopping local and how important that is to the local community,” said Kristofer Bowman, who works at Silver In The City along Massachusetts Avenue.
Across the street, Mass Ave. Toys owner Natalie Canulf said she doesn't offer the deep discounts of national chains, but focuses on keeping prices low all year and offering unique products.
“We're able to get lots of smaller shipments in and just keep the store supplied with unique toys that they're not seeing in the big stores,” she said.
American Express is promoting Small Business Saturday, offering $100 worth of Facebook advertising to the first 10,000 small business owners who sign up to participate and a $25 credit to 100,000 cardholders who pledge to use their cards at independent businesses on Nov. 27.
"This is the start of a movement," said CEO Kenneth Chenault, who stressed that Cyber Monday did not catch on immediately. "This is not a flash in the pan. We are committed to this effort for years to come."


Steve's Flowers and Gifts is proud to participate in the first-annual "Small Business Saturday" with offering 50% off of every in-store purchase made on November 27th at our Indianapolis and Greenwood locations. Steve's is committed to contribute to the efforts being made, with American Express, in support of the Small Business movement. This Saturday, let's all visit our favorite local restaurants, bakeries, gift stores, and even florists to show  our support of the local business' in our Indianapolis market that keep Indiana's economy alive.

Steve Huth Owner
Steve's Flowers and Gifts

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