Monday, November 16, 2009

Flowers Set the Table for a Festive Thanksgiving Dinner

The plates are placed, the silverware is shining, the glasses are gleaming but the table isn’t set without a beautiful Thanksgiving flower arrangement highlighting the festivities. The Thanksgiving holiday provides us with 4 of our favorite F’s: Family, Food, Friends, and Football. But, there is a fifth 'F': Flowers, which are just as much a part of Thanksgiving as turkey.

Flowers are associated closely with holidays; think of the poinsettia at Christmas or the lily at Easter. Thanksgiving is not associated with one particular flower but celebrates nature’s bounty with the imagery of the cornucopia filled with pumpkins, squash and other assorted gourds. A Fresh flower centerpiece adds the 'nature' aspect to the ambiance at the harvest table. The vivid palette of colors that emerge during Fall are ideal for a fresh flower centerpiece that will accentuate your holiday décor and celebrate the climax of Fall season.

The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 as the colonists, along with the Wampanoag Indians, celebrated the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony. But Thanksgiving did not become a national holiday until 1863 when Abraham Lincoln, looking for a way to unite our nation during the Civil War, gave his Thanksgiving proclamation declaring the last Thursday of November as a day of thanksgiving.
As you make plans to gather together with family and friends to give thanks this holiday, remember to call Steve's Flowers & Gift's and order your Thanksgiving centerpiece. And there is no need to limit your purchase to only a centerpiece. Flower arrangements in other areas of the home besides the dining room add a welcoming touch that guests will certainly appreciate on Thanksgiving or any other day of the year.
See all our cornucopia and other fall arrangements on our website:
"See the Difference, Steve's the Difference"

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